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Flashman's lady : from the Flashman papers, 1842-1845

Flashman's lady : from the Flashman papers, 1842-1845

When Flashman, the most decorated poltroon of the Victorian age, accepted an invitation from his old enemy, Tom Brown of Rugby, to join in a friendly cricket match, he little knew that he was letting himself in for the most desperate game of his scandalous career - a deadly struggle that would see him scampering from the hallowed wicket of Lord's to the jungle lairs of Borneo pirates, from a Newgate hanging to the torture pits of Madagascar, from Chinatown dens to slavery in the palace of a mad black queen. If he had known what lay ahead, Flashman would never have taken up cricket seriously.

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Tekijä Fraser, George MacDonald.
Lukija Gladwell Robert
Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 14 h 25 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu talking book Daisy 2.02 (14 h 25 min)
Huomautukset Flashman ; 6.
Alkuteoksen tiedot Barrie & Jenkins 1977.
Asiasanat historialliset romaanit historialliset seikkailuromaanit seikkailukirjallisuus historiska romaner historiska äventyrsböcker äventyrslitteratur