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Don't want to miss a thing

Don't want to miss a thing

Dexter Yates loves his fun, care-free London life; he has money, looks and girlfriends galore. But everything changes overnight when his sister dies, leaving him in charge of her eight-month-old daughter Delphi. How is he ever going to cope? Comic-strip artist Molly Hayes lives in the beautiful Cotswold village of Briarwood. When it comes to relationships, she has a history of choosing all the wrong men. Leaving the city behind, Dex moves to Briarwood - a much better place to work on his parenting skills - and he and Molly become neighbours. There's an undeniable connection between them. But if Dexter's going to adapt, he first has a lot to learn about Molly, about other people's secrets - and about himself.

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Tekijä Mansell, Jill.
Lukija Fernandez Karina
Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 12 h 48 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
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