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A tourist in the Arab Spring

A tourist in the Arab Spring

In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, Tom Chesshyre jumped on a plane and became the first to return to the region as a tourist. The result is the street-level tale of a lay traveller's journey through lands fresh from revolution. Chesshyre heads for tourist sites that few have seen in recent years, and new 'attractions' like Gaddafi's bombed-out bunker in Tripoli.

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Tekijä Chesshyre, Tom.
Lukija Burnip Richard
Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 10 h 26 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu talking book Daisy 2.02 (10 h 26 min)
Alkuteoksen tiedot Bradt, 2013.
Asiasanat arabikevät vallankumoukset kansannousut Egypti Libya Tunisia Pohjois-Afrikka 2010-luku arabiska våren revolutioner folkresningar Egypten Libyen Tunisien Nordafrika 2010-talet matkakertomukset yhteiskuntakuvaus arabimaat reseberättelser samhällsskildring arabländer