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A treatise of human nature. Book I

A treatise of human nature. Book I

Hume begins by arguing that the science of man must be pursued by the experimental methods of the natural sciences. Each simple idea is derived from a simple impression, so that all our ideas are ultimately derived from experience: thus Hume accepts concept empiricism and rejects the purely intellectual and innate ideas found in rationalist philosophy.

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Tekijä Hume, David.
Lukija Volunteers
Muut tekijät

Nidditch, P, H, , editor,

Selby-Bigge, L, A, , editor,

Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 12 h 3 min
Ulkoasu talking book Daisy 2.02 (12 h 3 min)
Alkuteoksen tiedot Clarendon Press 1978.
Asiasanat filosofi kunskapsteori etik filosofia tietoteoria etiikka