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Harry Potter and the cursed child : parts one and two : a new play

Harry Potter and the cursed child : parts one and two : a new play

A two-part stage play. Previews of the play began in London on 2016. Nineteen years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry Potter is the Head of Magical Law Enforcement. The story follows him and his younger son Albus Severus.

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Information om boken

Författare Thorne, Jack.
Inläsare Krauze Kola
Andra aktörer

Rowling, J, K,

Tiffany, John,

Språk eng
Speltid 6 h
Utgivningsuppgifter Johanneshov MTM 2016 (Johanneshov MTM 2016)
Fysisk beskrivning DaisyTrio 2.02 (6 h)
Anmärkningar Based on original new story by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany & Jack Thorne.
Originalverk London, Little, Brown 2016. Special rehearsal ed. 343 s. 978-0-7515-6535-5.
Ämnesord fantasiakirjallisuus fantasylitteratur kaunokirjallisuus englanninkielinen kirjallisuus nuortenkirjallisuus näytelmät skådespel skönlitteratur engelsk litteratur ungdomslitteratur