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The Ashgate research companion to political leadership

The Ashgate research companion to political leadership

The book discusses the major theories of political leadership with a focus on contemporary, worldwide challenges. Textbook.

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Andra aktörer

Addicott, Jeffrey F,

Andrew, Edward Grant,

Bateman, Thomas M, J,

Carbert, Louise,

Chen, Weixing,

Corn, Geoffrey S,

Cornell, Christine,

DiPaolo, Amanda,

Forbes, Hugh Donald,

Gaman-Golutvina, Oxana,

Jensen, Eric Talbot,

Knight, W, Andy, ed,

Lai, Hairong,

MacKinnon, Barbara,

Mahdavi, Mojtaba,

Malcolmson, Patrick,

Masciulli, Joseph, ed,

Maybee, Kenneth H,

Mazzucelli, Colette,

Molchanov, Mikhail A, , ed,

Myers, Richard,

Narine, Shaun,

Oldfield, Eddie,

Sjoberg, Laura,

Sykes, Patricia Lee,

Språk eng
Speltid 34 h 15 min
Utgivningsuppgifter Helsinki Celia 2012 (Helsinki Celia 2012)
Fysisk beskrivning DaisyTrio 2.02 (34 h 15 min)
Anmärkningar Kirjan sisältö on saatu kustantajalta käyttöoikeussopimuksella.
Utbildningsnivå University
Originalverk Surrey, Ashgate 2009. xviii, 568 s. 978-0-7546-7182-4.
Ämnesord johtajuus ledarskap poliittiset johtajat politiikka politik politiska ledare