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Theories of performance : organizational and service improvement in the public domain

Theories of performance : organizational and service improvement in the public domain

An overview of the history and recent developments on performance theory. Textbook.

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Information om boken

Författare Talbot, Colin.
Inläsare Text-to-speech voice Microsoft Anna
Språk eng
Speltid 13 h 32 min
Utgivningsuppgifter Helsinki Celia 2012 (Helsinki Celia 2012)
Fysisk beskrivning Daisy full text, full audio 2.02 (13 h 32 min)
Anmärkningar Kirjan sisältö on saatu kustantajalta käyttöoikeussopimuksella.
Utbildningsnivå University
Originalverk Oxford, Oxford University Press 2010. xi, 257 s.. 978-0-19-957596-1.
Ämnesord julkiset palvelut offentlig service organisaatioteoriat organisationsteorier