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The Bible and the hermeneutics of liberation

The Bible and the hermeneutics of liberation

This essay collection highlights the different receptions that liberationist hermeneutics has found in a number of contemporary contexts. Textbook.

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Inläsare Text-to-speech voice Microsoft Anna
Andra aktörer

Andiñach, Pablo R, , ed,

Arias, Mortimer,

Bachmann, Mercedes L, García,

Botta, Alejandro F, , ed,

de Wit, Hans,

Dube, Musa W,

Gerstenberger, Erhard,

Havea, Jione,

Isasi-Díaz, Ada María,

Jennings Jr, , Theodore W,

Melanchthon, Monica Jyotsna,

Ngan, Lai Ling Elizabeth,

Schottroff, Luise,

West, Gerald O,

Språk eng
Speltid 13 h 30 min
Utgivningsuppgifter Helsinki Celia 2012 (Helsinki Celia 2012)
Fysisk beskrivning Daisy full text, full audio 2.02 (1-cd rom, 13 h 30 min)
Serie Semeia studies
Anmärkningar Kirjan sisältö on saatu kustantajalta käyttöoikeussopimuksella.
Utbildningsnivå University
Originalverk Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature 2009. xii, 259 s.. 978-1-58983-241-1.
Ämnesord Bibeln hermeneutiikka hermeneutik Raamattu